Sunday 25 May 2014


I've finally decided to start a blog. Just for fun = D weee~ haha. It's still not too late to start becoming a blogger!! >=P Firstly, let me introduce myself briefly. = ) I'm 20 years old (reaching 21 on August 12th) & I live on a small little island called Penang. ^-^

I'm currently pursuing my degree in Year 2! And finals are just around the corner.. Probably I will only be blogging more after my finals (hopefully). =/ hmm. We'll see about that.
I have a wonderful family that I cherish dearly. Very thankful for all the support they have given to me. <3 They're just the best people I will ever know in my entire life. <3 <3

I don't really have a group of friends that I stick with in university. Only in Penang I have the most awesome and crazy group of friends that would always meet when I have a chance! = DD

The most DECENT selfie we could ever capture of ourselves. =P (Missing in this photo: Sharyn the Maharani)
Every single time when it comes to studying, my brain will just start coming up with all the wacky ideas of things to do rather than studying. And I cannot control it.. I have to SATISFY my brain.. (Starting a blog was 1 of them). I'm always wasting loads of time doing useless things. Like just recently, I've caught a huge mosquito that was about 1cm in length! O_O I've even measured it with ruler.. Here's the alibi.. xD

It's really super hugeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm so fascinated by it. Stared at this mosquito the entire night just to study its anatomical structures! Haha. xD I've searched the internet and it seems like this species is called the Gallinipper (if I'm not wrong). The bite is super painful like a sword stabbing into your skin (according to the website). Good thing I caught it before it bit me. c=

Oh! Did I mention I'm an animal lover? I love all kinds of animals even though they're dangerous or filthy or whatsoever you may think. When I came to university, I realized there are so many cats (especially in the cafeteria) & it's sad to hear that many of my friends despise them. =[ It hurts me.. I would always feel happy to share my food with them when I see them.. and give them a pat just to let them know they're loved. ='>
An adorable pregnant cat!! *.*
I wanted to be a veterinarian real bad last time.. It was my passion. However, there are not many recognized universities in Malaysia that has a course for vets. There are some in our neighbouring country, Indonesia but I wanted to study within Malaysia so I decided to pursue Dentistry in AIMST University instead. I'm loving this course I've chosen as well! Love the fact that it combines knowledge, skills & art. = )

Alright. I guess that's about it. Will update this blog after my finals when I'm free! c= FINALS are looming around the corner & it's time to be serious like professors.. 0.0" Good bye blog~~~ ='[ BRAIN!! Are you finally satisfied now?? Start focusing!! >=D Cheers!

Nerdy me.. Gotta stay that way until after finals!

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