Thursday, 18 August 2016

Hello Hello!

HEY!! It has been ages since my last blog. I am becoming super lazy haha. Currently on my break and I will be entering Year 5 (Final year) soon. Classes will be starting on 5th September 2016! I can't believe I just turned 23 around 6 days back. I'm getting older. Oh noooo~ I don't want my youth to end. :'( Life has to go on. I'm still a little child in the inside. Hehe. :P

Anyway, I'll be blogging briefly on what I did during my Year 4. My experiences in Leo Club and Animal Protection Crew. :D Just want to record my memories here so that I can read next time when I'm old :P

I have to say that I had never regretted being the president of Leo Club for one whole fiscal year. I gained so much experience and met so many wonderful friends that have the same compassion towards the needy. It's a little sad when it had come to an end so quickly. This September we will be installing a new president, whom will lead our club to greater success! =)

During my fiscal year, we had successfully obtained around 20 awards. We were so close to getting the Top Club Award (competing against all Leo Clubs from the entire district). However, we ended up second but I'm still so thankful and grateful for everything. =)

Without our outstanding committee, our club wouldn't be able to achieve so much. I hope to help the new board of directors to organize more charity projects this coming fiscal year! Not solely for the awards, but for the benefit of our community in-need. Personally, I think this would be a life-long commitment for me. I found my passion to serve those in-need and I would never stop to contribute what I can give as long as I live.

We are so privileged to live such luxurious lives and often, we forget that not everyone was born in the right circumstances. They didn't ask to be born disabled or born in a poor family. They didn't have a choice to choose how to live. Many of them couldn't achieve their ambitions. I think it's our duty to make them feel loved and treasured like anyone else. We are all humans seeking for love and compassion; the ultimate values that bring joy to someone's life.

Besides that, we should never forget the other living creatures in this planet that can't speak and express their need for love. We've formed a new club called the Animal Protection Crew to focus on helping all the stray dogs and cats in our campus. There are so many stray animals here and they were always mistreated by the staff workers and even the students. Our effort were not recognized by the AIMST management team at all and all they tell us to do is get rid of all these animals or euthanize them because they don't belong here.

Have we ever think the other way round? These are animals living in their natural habitat and we are the STRAYS invading their habitat and claiming it ours. It's sad to see that there are people not getting our point. However, I have managed to meet many animal lovers through this club. Up to this date, we had successfully spayed/neutered countless numbers cats & dogs.

We had also spent a huge amount of our funds on medications for sick animals; nursing them (illegally :P) in our dormitories until they're healthy again. There were a few of them that didn't make it and we have to resort to euthanasia; and some of them just couldn't make it and died despite our effort in trying to save them.

Tears flowed as we buried them but it taught us many things. We've learnt so much through these experiences and I will never forget them throughout my life. Life is precious so we should treasure it always. =)

Woah! I think this post is going to be super long. Hehe. Oh well. I'm free today anyways. :P Just a week ago, I joined (for the first time) the APDSA Congress in Singapore! It was really fun. The reason why I wanted to go at the first place was because I am planning to work there one day. Wanted to see how is it like over there. Well, after the trip, I felt the need to work there even more. Have been doing some research on how to get there etc. and I think it's possible if I have the will. (If there is a will, there will be a way! :D) Might be going Singapore again on October to find out more. =) We'll see about that. One thing I regretted for not doing is getting more souvenirs! I didn't have enough for everyone and it is really depressing. :'( Maybe next year I'll be going to the congress again. It'll be in Hong Kong. =) Sounds fun but need to start saving up for that.

Alright. This post is really getting too lengthy and hence, I'll just stop here. Sincere apologies for any grammatical errors. Haha. No one's going to read this blog anyways. xD It's for my future self! :P Goodbyeeee! I hope to write more soon! <3

Group 8, APDSA Congress in Singapore